Telegram has announced plans to launch its group video calls this May. The company had originally planned for the addition of the feature to its messaging app in 2020, but it did not happen. They were however able to add end-to-encryption to the one-on-one video calls in August 2020.
According to Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, the video calls will have “Screen sharing, encryption, noise-cancelling, desktop and tablet support — everything you can expect from a modern video conferencing tool, but with Telegram-level UI, speed and encryption.”
Since the start of the pandemic in 2020, video-conferencing has become highly sought after. ost companies adopted work-from-home models for its employees to curb the spread of the virus. Video-conferencing apps such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Google Meet have seen significant growth over the period. Whatsapp recently rolled out video and voice calling for its users on desktop, making it attractive for office meetings.
Read: Telegram Launches Video Calls on Android and iOS
Although Telegram already offers end-to-end encryption for one-on-one video calls, the same has not been confirmed for group video calls.
Telegram has grown significantly during the pandemic period, with the highest growth rate experienced in the beginning of 2021. The company announced that it had acquired 400 million active monthly users as of April this year.
The growth can also be attributed to Whatsapp’s announcement asking users to accept a review of their privacy policy or delete the app. The announcement saw a mass exodus of users who opted for Telegram and Signal.
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