Nyamira County’s West Mugirango constituency Member of Parliament Steve Mogaka Tuesday said the Gusii people deserve better appointments from the State.
At no moment, he added, should the community lower its standards to satiate the whims of selfish individuals bent on pleasing the president.
“Someone tell the president we actually deserve better appointments not what he was dishing out to Timothy Bosire we are not meant for left overs” the MP told journalists in Nyamira Tuesday.
Bosire, former Kitutu Masaba MP was Friday appointed to a non executive position as chair of the National Transport Safety Authority but hastily rejected it.
The rejection has since sparked uproar with two Kisii MPs-Dr Daniel Manduku (Nyaribari Masaba) and Sylvanus Osoro (South Mugirango) slamming him for what they described as slighting the president in turning down the offer.
The two said the appointments are often discretionary in nature and it smacked of hubris for the ODM party national treasurer to reject it.
On Tuesday, Mogaka, however, told the legislators off saying Kisii County was already sorted with a Cabinet Secretary position and should allow Nyamira to fight its political battles.
“The President should be alive to the fact that Gusii is not all about Kisii County. He has sorted their needs and it is time he also considered us for either a Permanent Secretary or Cabinet Secretary seat too,” said Mogaka.
Kisii Governor Simba Arati recently said the Gusii vote was enough to leverage the region to bargain for bigger things in politics.
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