LG Electronics has launched its multi-monitor U-series computers in the Kenyan market. The multi-monitor computers which are fit for schools, organisations and cyber-cafes. The U-series workstations will lower the investment needed to acquire multiple computers.
The U-Series computer is based on the principle that at any one time, no one person can utilise the full capacity of one computer, therefore, multiple users can tap into the same computer as long as they have a separate monitor and keyboard.
Current statistics indicate that the ratio of computers to students in Kenya is 1: 150 against a more recognised 1:15 ratio in developed countries. The U-Series Network Monitors system can support up to 23 monitors connected via USB. This is a great saving to potential clients.
The U-Series uses Windows MultiPoint Server 2011 platform. By connecting the LG U-Series Network Monitor system to a single host PC, the host’s processing power is virtualized on each monitor, creating an efficient networking solution with less hardware and lower maintenance costs.
The LG U-Series monitors also come with the advanced ICOM and Blackboard classroom management softwares for schools which can be used in teaching programmes such as setting and marking exams making virtual control of the classroom a reality.
LG is availing the product in the regional market through their IT distributor Mustek East Africa and channel partners countrywide.
In this arrangement, the host PC is easily connected to the LG U-Series monitors via USB cables, which combined with software, allows for redistributed computing capabilities across all connected monitors. The individual U Series monitors don’t require additional software installation and are operational out of the box. LG’s linking technology allows multiple monitor connections through USB cables resulting in simple and clean installations.
Windows MultiPoint Server 2011 is expected to help educational institutions provide more workstations to students and teachers with individualized Windows experiences at a lower total cost of ownership. In addition, the U-Series solution is designed to be simple enough for someone with very little technical skills to set-up and manage a multiple monitor environment.
The U-Series comes with 19-inch class LED widescreen monitors (18.5 inches measured diagonally). For multilingual needs, each monitor is capable of independent optimization in different languages.
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its just a screen…..doesnt have a kvm kind of in-built function
its just a screen…..doesnt have a kvm kind of in-built function
I bought the lg network monitors but Mustek now claim they dont come with icom/blackboard software
I bought the lg network monitors but Mustek now claim they dont come with icom/blackboard software