Workers from Samsutech corporations have raised concerns about the treatment they face at the work place that is basically owned by Indians.
The employees have complained that the work that can be done by them is being given to foreigners from India who work on a two year renewable work permit. Their basic job is to do repairs on electronics from customers.
At the work place the amenities such as washrooms have been separated to have Indian and African sections. If an African happens to use the Indian section, they are immediately sacked.
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According to the employees of Samsutech corporation there is a huge pay disparity between the African workers and the Indian workers. They say that the Indian workers do mere jobs for huge salaries whereas the Africans toil for peanuts. To make matters worse, they never receive their payslips to know what has been deducted.
The working hours are also crazy with employees claiming they work from 5:30AM till 5PM without getting overtime pay. Those who dare to act as advocates for labour rights are sacked immediately.
If one falls sick, they are required to report to work and if they fail their pay for the day is deducted three times.
These same scenarios have been reported at the Standard Gauge railway and the Chandarana supermarkets where employees have claimed that they face discrimination on account of being Africans.
The ministry of interior had passed a directive that no work permits would be issued to foreigners who are coming to do a job that the locals are capable of doing. According to these employees this directive does not apply to Samsutech corporation.
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