A Nanyuki court has ordered Laikipia County Jubilee Party Chairman Geoffrey Githinji to pay Sh300,000 for an election petition he lost.
Githinji had petitioned the nomination of Members of County Assembly (MCAs) in his county. He lost the petition.
The official, who was arrested for defaulting the election costs, was arraigned before Nanyuki chief magistrate Wendy Kagendo on Thursday.
The magistrate ordered him to pay Sh200,000 immediately and clear the balance by April 19.
Lawyer Thuku Mbaaro, who represented one of the parties in the case, said Githinji and others not before the court owed Sh733,607 in the case that was determined last year.
On his part, Githinji through his lawyer said he will promptly pay the amount as directed by the court.
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He requested the court to set him free.
The case is set to be mentioned on April 23.
The court issued a warrant of arrest for two other officials said to be on the run.
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