Kenyans are only using up a third of the country’s internet supply, a report by the Communications Authority of Kenya shows. 7,505.46 GBPS accounting for two thirds of the internet bandwidth capacity remained idle in the period between January 1 and March 31.
This means that the country used up only 3,386.19 GBPS out of the total capacity of 10,891.65 GBPS indicating an oversupply. In the past few years, the market has attracted more internet providers who have deployed infrastructure with an aim of reaching more clients.
“During the review period, leased/available international internet bandwidth remained unchanged whereas bandwidth capacity utilised within the country increased by 15.2 percent to stand at 3,386.19 Gbps,” the CA report stated.
Read: Gov’t Protests US Move to List Kenya as Signatory to Free Internet Declaration
The oversupply could signal looming price wars among the firms who may be eager to add more consumers to their capacities. This means that internet prices could come down for the end user.
According to the report, Kenya sold 3,383.3 GBPS of Fibre optic bandwidth capacity between January and March while other countries sold 1,875.82 GBPS. A total of 2.89 GBPS of satellite internet was also sold in the period.
This represents an increase from the 2,938.61 GBPS of Fibre optic bandwidth capacity sold in Kenya between October and December 2021, as well as the 1,875.82 GBPS sold in other countries during the same period.
Read also: Kenya Power to Start Testing Internet Distribution in Nairobi in Two Weeks
Meta and Google also have ongoing projects aimed at lowering internet costs in the continent with an aim of making the internet accessible to more users. Google is looking to boost Africa’s infrastructure with its equiano cable, while Meta aims to do the same with its 2Africa project. Kenya, which is considered an digital transformation leader alongside South Africa and Nigeria is a target for the projects.
Not long after Google’s Equiano cable completes its southward run along the Atlantic seabed, Meta will follow with 2Africa.
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