Embakasi East Member of Parliament Paul Ongili popularly known to the public as Babu Owino has threatened to sue Nation Media Group over an exclusive story on Felix Orinda alias DJ Evolve aired on NTV and published on its print and online platforms.
Through Okatch and Partners Advocates, in a demand letter, Babu wants the media house to issue a public apology within a period of two days and admit liability for “slanderous and libellous statements” on the story.
In the story aired on Tuesday, June 29, NTV reported that DJ Evolve, who was recently discharged from hospital, is still bedridden and can not do anything by himself. He has also not fully regained his voice and struggled to talk during the interview.
The MP accused the media house of defaming him by reporting that he shot and badly injured DJ Evolve in January this year.
Babu says that the media house aired the story with the aim of inciting the public against him.
Read: I Have Left It To God – DJ Evolve Says About Forgiving Babu Owino
“That your story on the plight of Mr Orinda though noble as it shows his improved state, has been used by yourselves to attack, accuse, persecute. reprimand, convict our client in the eyes of the public. The sole intention was indeed to whip up emotions, and incite the public against our client, ” the demand letter dated July 1 reads.
The story, the lawmaker says, infringes on his constitutional rights to a fair hearing and tries to render the court process irrelevant as the media house had without any mandate whatsoever already prosecuted, convicted and reprimanded him.
Babu argues that it was wrong for the media house to report that he shot DJ evolve as the victim had neither recorded a statement on the case nor said who shot him.
“That we have carefully listened and watched the said story over and over and indeed at no point has the said Felix Orinda stated that he was shot by our client, ” the letter reads.
“In fact, even before your news item, the said Felix Orinda has never ever stated in any forum whatsoever that he was shot by our client. The Directorate of Public prosecutions has further confirmed that in fact Mr Orinda has never recorded a statement on the matter.”
The MP said that the alleged CCTV footage of him shooting DJ Evolve has also not been admitted as evidence in court.
Read Also: Dj Evolve’s Inability To Record A Statement Has Slowed Down Case – DPP Explains
“That the slanderous, libellous defamatory remarks have caused our client to suffer considerable mental anguish and embarrassment as a result of your aforesaid words and statements which has made him doubt whether he can ever have a fair trial after your illegal actions, ” the letter adds.
“Take notice that if we do not hear from you within Two (2) days from the date of this letter, we have strict and peremptory instructions to institute legal proceedings against you for slanderous and libellous defamation and also for infringing on our client’s constitutional right to fair hearing and to be presumed innocent. We shall seek appropriate remedies which will include, but not limited to aggravated and exemplary damages as well as costs of the action without any further reference to yourselves.”
Babu, who is out on bail, is facing attempted murder charges following the shooting incident at Kilimani’s B-club.
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