Narok County government has ordered striking nurses in the region to vacate government premises in order to create room for their replacements.
Reports reveal that the county resorted to evict its nurses after they defied efforts by the county and national government to resume work.
The nurses strike entered its third week after some counties failed to implement the demands of the striking workers.
The Narok nurses eviction move comes hours after their Kisumu counterparts called of a three-week strike.
According to the nurses, the Thursday move was informed by a successful consultative meeting held between the KNUN Kisumu branch officials, the county Health Department and county secretary.
In their agreement deal signed by the KNUN branch chair Flora Ambani and secretary Ann Owiti, the nurses are to resume their duties immediately or not later than Friday 5 pm.
On the other hand, the government has escalated its effort to have striking nurses in the remaining counties to resume duty.
On Wednesday, the health ministry and governors threatened to take disciplinary action against nurses who have defied court and presidential orders to resume duty.
In a joint press statement, the Health Cabinet Secretary Sicily Kariuki and chairman of the Council of Governors (CoG) Wycliffe Oparanya threatened to ensure that the nurses are dismissed.
Read: Nakuru, Murang’a Counties Recruit Replacements For Striking Nurses
Further, they reiterated that nurses who will be dismissed will not rehired either by the national or county level.
On his part, Opposition leader Raila Odinga, concurred with the government that striking health workers should resume duty immediately. He cited that the available government funds should be redirected to development instead.
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