The famous handshake that happened between ODM leader Raila Odinga and President Uhuru Kenyatta surprised many including the so called inner circle and the coalition principals.
History seems to be repeating itself after this handshake, twenty years ago, Raila called a truce with president Moi, his oppressor who jailed him without trial and confined his old and ailing father Jaramogi Oginga Odinga to house arrest. The ODM leader went behind other leaders in the liberation leaders and saved President Moi’s legacy from that of an oppressor to a leader who could willingly handover power.
Read:Two Dead, Five Vehicles Burned As Odinga’s Homecoming Turns Chaot
The question that lingers is has Raila gambled with the huge following that he enjoys to massage his personal ego? Has he sold out the hopes of people who were willing to secede to accomplish electoral justice to remain relevant but disguised it as a call for unity?
The handshake at Harambee House was received both negative and positive criticisms but the recent events that led to the second deportation of lawyer Miguna who gave Raila the oath as the Peoples president weighed down the legitimacy of Raila Odinga as the ‘Joshua’ of the NASA supporters .
In his backyard in Kisumu irate youth were heard proclaiming that President Uhuru should not set foot in Kisumu if Miguna Miguna is not allowed in the country. That pronunciation confirms that the call for unity might not be successful as anticipated.
This rift has also been widened by the non inclusivity of the principals who have resorted to strengthen the ties within their strongholds. Musalia Mudavadi and Moses Wetangula have decided to amalgamate the Luhya vote.
Raila’s close allies Siaya senator and Kakamega governor Wycliffe Oparanya have also publicly question the handshake saying that the state was taking them for a ride
The responses that ‘Baba’ received after posting a tweet wishing Kenyans a happy Easter showed clearly illustrated that ‘Jakom’ had quickly transformed from being the Kenyan political ‘Joshua to Judas a betrayer’. The NASA supporters asked if the handshake was to benefit all Kenyans in equal measures then why was it impossible for Raila to rescue Miguna from the State.
Was the Handshake a selfish to excuse to launder his supporters for his personal gain in exchange for giving President Uhuru legitimacy that he required to build his legacy ion his last term. The state will now easily get away with the injustices that occured to NASA supporters after the Aust 8 2017 elections
Has Raila Odinga managed to launder his supporters suffering to remain relevant in the political sphere?
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