Governor Waiguru Impeachment Temporarily Halted Over COVID-19 PandemicBy Mercy AumaApril 7, 20200 Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru’s impeachment has been halted temporarily by the High Court over Coronvirus pandemic on the grounds that…
High Court Judge Weldon Korir Declines To Suspend Curfew, Orders New Directives To IGBy Mercy AumaMarch 30, 20200 The High Court has declined to suspend the dusk till dawn curfew initiated by President Uhuru Kenyatta in a bid…
NEWS High Court Requests CJ Maraga To Constitute Three Judge Bench For NIIMS CaseBy Merxcine CushMarch 8, 20190 High Court judge Weldon Korir has requested the Chief Justice David Maraga to constitute a three man bench to hear…