Many people work from their laptops and rarely notice how much dirt their devices accumulate. Research shows that laptops can carry 20,000 more germs compared to your toilet seat. A dirty laptop looks old and in some cases, may be slowed down by the filth.
Cleaning your laptop screen is quite easy and can be done daily. However, your keyboard can easily collect dirt and dust which could affect its operation in the long term. Your laptop does not need to get visibly dirty for you to take action. Make it a habit to clean it up and it could even last you longer.
How to clean the laptop Screen
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- Switch off the laptop and keep the charger aside.
- Once its powered off, clean the screen using a piece of cloth. Look for a lint free piece of clothe that leaves no marks.
- Dip your cloth in a soapy mixture(even dish washer soap is fine), wring it and wipe off the screen gently until it is clean.
- Ensure that you pay attention to the corners at the edges as they can easily collect dirt.
How to clean the Keyboard.
- If you have a removable battery, you can put it aside to make the cleaning process easier.
- While your laptop is still off, turn it around or up side down and gently shake it to get rid off any dirt lodged in between the keys. You can make this common practice to ensure that your laptop does not carry debris from pieces of bread, ugali, rice crumbs and collected dirt.
- Using the piece of cloth, wipe each key gently ensuring that the sides are clean. Avoid using a very wet or dripping cloth as you do not want to spill anything inside the laptop.
- If there are still bits and pieces of debris left between the keys, you can tell especially if the keys become difficult to press.
- You can use a small handheld vacuum to suck out more dirt. These are available in supermarkets and electronic stores. Ensure that you get a small vacuum to avoid sucking in your keys.
- An alternative is to use an item such as a blow-dryer to blow off any dirt. Ensure that you set your blow-dryer to cold before using the pressure to clean up your keyboard.
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- If you can still feel some trapped dirt behind the keys, then you may have to take off the keys one at a time. Pop them out gently to avoid breakage, and clean the area and the key before putting them back in.
- Ensure they are in their correct Q-W-E-R-T-Y order otherwise you will be very inconvenienced when you need to work.
- Take the damp cloth and go over every surface to get rid of anything left.
- Next, clean the entire surface using a dry clean clothe. Your laptop is now ready to use.
As you use your laptop, avoid spilling liquids such as coffee, tea or soda on it. Avoid pouring dry items such as sugar or salt as they tend to get in between the keys.
If you clean your laptop at home and still feel that there is a lot of trapped dirt, visit a professional. They have all the right tools and in the event that they have to, they can open it up and close it with no damage.
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