NEWS Court Awards Tony Mochama ‘Smitten’ Ksh9 Million In Sexual Harassment CaseBy Francis MuliAugust 5, 20190 Renowned journalist and poet Tony Mochama famously known as ‘Smitten’ was today awarded Ksh9 million for defamation in a case…
KNOW YOUR CELEBRITY STOP these Feminists Sexually Assaulting Tony Mochama Out of VendettaBy CyrusSeptember 27, 20140 He has been accused of all manner of things. The accuser is Shailja Patel and she of the sexual and…
TECHNOLOGY Feminists Lynch Tony Mochama for Allegedly Groping Poet Shailja PatelBy CyrusSeptember 22, 20140 Kenyan feminists are a pathetic lot. They are worse than the lynch pins who kill grannys in Kisii for looking…