A court has determined that the first accused person in the murder of businesswoman Monica Kimani knew her before her death.
Joseph ‘Jowie’ Irungu is the first accused person and his ex-fiancée, Jacque Maribe, the second accused.
The duo is said to have killed Monica in September 2018 at her Lamuria Gardens apartment in Kilimani.in
Jowie told Justice Grace Nziok that he was unfamiliar with the deceased.
“It is the finding of this court, that the evidence by the first accused person that he did not know the deceased prior to her death is untenable, insincere and it is an afterthought and it is false,” said the judge on Friday.
“The court finds that the first accused person was known to the deceased because they were together at Kenya Polytechnic. They were in the same class taking the same course.”
Justice Nzioka while rendering her judgment said the prosecution had proved that Monica’s death was indeed a homicide.
The Judge said the court relied on evidence from an examination by a doctor.
The judge also noted that there was corroborative evidence as to the clothes that Jowie wore when the deceased was killed.
Pamela, a witness, told the court that on the day of the macabre murder, Jowie was wearing a white shirt with patterns, a maroon cap and brown shorts.
“The prosecution produced brown shorts and a maroon cap. They were shown to the witness and they said they looked like what he was wearing,” Nzioka said.
“All the witnesses speak to the clothes that Jowie was wearing, t-shirt, brown shorts and maroon cap.”
The court stated that the first accused did not deny owning a maroon cap which was entered into evidence and was mentioned by witnesses.
“Does the accused person say not mine? no evidence to that,” she said.
“My findings are that there is corroborative evidence as to the clothes that Jowie was wearing on the material date.”
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