Kisii town streets especially Mwembe area were a buzz for something unique – a Gen Z like demo for Jesus.
The Christian Union officials said the processions marked with vuvuzelas and huge placards was deliberate.
They said no method should be frowned upon so long as the gospel is shared out to thirsty souls.
At noon they stormed the highway linking Kisii and Ogembo towns at the Mwembe – University of junction area momentarily blocking traffic sharing the gospel with placards to pedestrians and matatu passengers.
“This is not a Gen Z protest, though it actually looks similar, it is all about reaching to the youth with the word of God,” said David Mwansia, their leader.
“Christ in the way, the truth and life” read one placard.
“Say yes to God, he does not divorce, added another.
“Chukua life insurance kwa Yesu, SHA haitibu dhambi,stated another as the students shared Christ along the restive suburb.
Mwembe estate, the centre picked as a venue for a week-long crusade by the students is often patronized by the comrades, a term often used to refer to university students.
With the proliferation of bars and drug dens in the neighborhoods, the Christian Student Union leaders said their peers were constant faced by perils every passing day.
“Students in campus go through turmoil, many beset by finance related problems which throw them into the embrace of the enemy. They appear well from the outside but they lack internal peace and that is why the gospel of Christ is a a welcome exercise for all of us,” Mwansia told Kahawa Tungu.
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